The need for private Health Insurance in Greece and Cyprus
Choice of reliability and trust
The health sector is one of the most important pillars of social welfare in any country. Health is a fundamental and basic human right. Unfortunately, in Greece and Cyprus, state general health plans currently provide very basic health care coverage, leaving citizens exposed.
Everyone’s growing frustration about the quality of the health services they receive and their availability when an immediate need arises, especially in difficult cases of illness or accidents, is justified. The indifference, and often the absence of the State has led many citizens to seek alternative solutions, such as private health insurance.
Today, people prefer private health insurance for many reasons. First, the ability to have immediate access to doctors, hospitals and advanced health technologies is important, ensuring immediate response to advanced medical solutions. In addition, private insurance offers wider coverage internationally, including specialized services and treatment that are not fully covered by the local public system. Fundamental offerings like dentistry, ophthalmology, palliative care, psychiatric care, and many other specialties and important benefits are excluded from general health plans, but are included in private health insurance plans.
In addition, citizens seek the sensitivity and empathy that state health structures or affiliated health centers do not provide. State health systems suffer from either permanent or occasional problems such as lack of resources, apathy and long waits. These issues can create anxiety and worry about the quality of care provided. Private health insurance offers the security that patients will receive the best possible care, without restrictions, in the most specialized centers around the world.
It is important to consider the needs and capabilities of each individual and to choose the appropriate solutions to ensure their health, which general health plans do not guarantee.
Greek and Cypriot citizens have a great need for private health insurance and this is reflected in their search for reliability, trust and wider coverage in the field of medicine, treatment, pharmaceuticals, first aid, and support. This option offers the potential for better care and security, not only for themselves, but also for their family, while thousands of businesses are returning group private health plans to their core employee benefits.
Article by
Andreas Demetriou CEO
AKD Insurance Ltd